Wednesday, July 13, 2005

China, part 2

So, we might get kicked out of the country. Not sure exactly what's going on yet, but we should know tomorrow. Apparently we were supposed to register within 24 hours of arriving in this city, but we didn't. The police stopped the Chinese girl who organized the English camp today and they've been questioning here for over 4 hours now. They took all of our passports, copies of our teaching licenses, etc. They tried to confiscate our passports, but our group leader demanded they give them back. They also called all of the dignitaries in the city who have been working with us and the director of the school we are working at. Hopefully things will work out and we'll be able to stay. If not, we may be able to stay, but not be able to teach English any more. Basically, we'd just become tourists for a few weeks before going home. Honestly, that doesn't sound so bad. We've only taught for 2 days and I'm already exhausted. So, as we've been sitting around waiting to find out what will happen to us, we've been telling crazy stories about weird things that have happened in foreign countries. A guy we're with told us¡¡about his experience in Mexico. He was just walking down the street and a kid came up to him and said, "Mister, want to meet my sister?" The guy said no and kept walking. The kid approached him again.
"Mister, want to meet my sister? She is very beautiful." Again, he replied no. A third time he was approached. "Mister, want to meet my sister?" Again, he said no. The kid refused to give up and finally asked: "Mister, want to meet my brother?" TRUE STORY.
One of the ladies in our group told a story about a missionary in Guatemala who ran over and killed someone (accidentally, of course.) Someone from the U.S. embassy and an area authority helped him leave the country in the middle of the night, without any of his luggage, in plain clothes, etc. Crazy stuff. I'm sure we'll be fine. Hopefully everything will be figured out in the morning. I'll let you know...
Later. Peace out, homey. (we're working on slang with the kiddie kids...)

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