Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Bogdan and I continued our Ukrainian world tour and made a quick trip to Odessa. Some of the highlights:

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mickey D's

For some reason, McDonald's tastes better outside the U.S. I've never quite been able to figure out why, but EVERYONE agrees. When McDonald's first opened in Russia, thousands of people stood in line just to get a hamburger. And if you're looking for a clean (free) restroom in Ukraine, McDonald's is still your best shot.

Not only is the food itself better, but there is often live entertainment. Please see examples:
There's a regular old Playland, but people can also rent motorized toys or ponies for their kids to ride.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kamenets-Podilsk and Chernivtsi

Bogdan, Galya, and I enjoyed a quick, action packed trip to Western Ukraine.

Besides the obvious, one of the highlights was dinner at this amazing, delicious, surprisingly cheap restaurant called "UTAH". We're sure a little uncertain about how the restaurant got its name, but apparently they have some type of relationship with the medical school at the University of Utah. You can imagine how excited the servers were to meet someone actually from Utah. (Okay, so they pretty much didn't care at all, but you can maybe imagine how excited I was at the time.)

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Kristin and I went to Lviv for the weekend with Bogdan and his girlfriend, Taniya. It's a five hour drive and the bad roads made it seem more like 15 hours, but we thought it was worth it once we finally got there.

On our way we stopped at Olesko Castle.

I've been to Lviv a couple of times, but this time was different. We rented a gorgeous apartment in the center of the city. Spacious. Clean. Jacuzzi. The apartment was so nice, we considered staying in Lviv permanently.

The view from our balcony:

We didn't take a tour and weren't in a rush, so we just wandered through the streets looking at things and taking pictures. We sat in cafes, listened to live music, and found unique souvenirs.

I love the different colored buildings in Western Ukraine. It reminds me of Poland.

People in Western Ukraine are usually more friendly, too. They to be more religious than the rest of the country. Some stores are actually closed on Sundays. There are different kinds of churches all over the city.

Armenian Church
Bernadine Cathedral

Dominican Cathedral
Of course, we went to this nice, pink LDS church.

The Opera House, where we watched part of "The Merry Widow". (It was in Ukrainian and a little LONG, so we left after the first act.)

Even the fire station is beautiful.

Ukraine. It's just a beautiful place. :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Kiev Temple

Last night, Bogdan took us to see the construction of the temple here in Kiev. They broke ground in June 2007 and are currently working 24 hours a day, but the temple
isn't scheuled to be completed until April 2010.

It was almost midnight, so we couldn't walk around, but we still had a decent view. The chapel was finished a while ago, so now the construction workers are focusing on the hotel and the temple. They've already started the 2nd floor of the temple. Unless you're Ukrainian (or emotionally Ukrainian, like me), you may not understand how completely amazing this is. I'll try to get some good pics during the day, but until then...


My friend, Alosha, invited me to watch him work. INTER, a television station here in Kiev, is filming a half-hour program about one of his projects. It's basically the Ukrainian version of Extreme Home Makeover or This Old House.

He's building a fake tree in the middle of a living room and putting a flat screen TV in the middle of it. Unusual, yes, but pretty much a regular day's work for Alosha. :) He's a painter, sculpter, designer... талентливый молодой чеповек. When we worked at Disneyland in Paris, he buuilt trees like that all the time! (Sadly, when he lived with me in Barstow there were no orders for fake trees, but lots of orders for portraits.) You can check out his work here. You'll also find my portrait on the site. (Aww...)

Here's some pics of the beginning... (Don't anyone worry. I'll update the with pics of the construction process so you can see the finished product.)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Binyuks

I've known Jenya for 10 years. I met her husband two years ago when they visited me in Las Vegas. Their baby, Olgert, is 11 months old.

We visited Chernegov, a small town filled with beautiful churches and monks buried in caves.

We went to Pirogovo, the outdoor museum just outside of Kiev.

