Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ukraine... it's just a little bit different.

A few weeks ago I rediscovered a little Russian market that has since become my favorite place to shop. Verenokee, napoleon, smetana, tons of cheeses, and pear juice! Basically, the best things in life can all be found in this tiny little shop. I've been reminded of just a few of the many reasons I love all things Ukrainian, completely and insanely weird or not.

Fashion is always a little... interesting.

You don't need any type of plan or agenda for a night out. People just walk around until they run out of things to talk about, then walk back home.

Pigs beg for milk money.
(see right for example)

EVERYONE eats ice cream. Even adults eat ice cream as they wander through parks.

People sell things on the street from backpacks, suitcoats, and suitcases.

There are chandeliers in the metro.

People working don't really have to work much.

And transportation? There's a little bit of everything.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I have no idea when or why Matt decided he was cool enough to buy a Hummer, but... Here it is. The H2.

Of course, he delivers pizza in said Hummer.

Customer: Wow! Domino's delivery guys must make a lot these days!
Matt: Well, you know I rely on tips, sir.

All I can say is, that Matt is pretty smart.


Every teacher dreams of sending his or her favorite student to the best college in the nation. I am pleased to announce that Zac Moe from MOB will be attending Utah State University this spring.

It's kind of a long story, but basically, Zach started out at Hampton last fall, but ran out of money and had to come home. (He actually received a letter while he was home for Christmas break informing him that his ENTIRE BALANCE needed to be paid in full before he could return for spring semester. Zach did not return. His stuff may STILL be in a room there somewhere.) So, he took a few classes at CSN, worked for a while, kinda tried to save some money but mostly bought shoes, and now he is headed to the great land of the Aggies.

I think he'll like it. I mean, I wouldn't encourage him to go there if I didn't think he'd do well. It's definitely different from Vegas, but Zach's an outgoing person and I think he'll adjust pretty easily. Once he gets over the initial shock of so many while people in one place, I think he'll see it really is Aggies all the way!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

9 for '09

And, here comes Part II...
9 Goals for 2009

1. Work somewhere I LOVE and am really, truly happy.

2. "Schmooz" it up with the ol' co-workers. (This is ROUGH for me, but I think it's important.)

3. Travel more. (Hey, I figured I need at least ONE goal that will be both fun and easy to keep.)

4. Keep in touch with old friends. (This goal may, and hopefully will, tie in with goal #3-- TRAVEL MORE.)

5. Come up with more exciting, free things to do when people come to visit me. (This can tie in with goal #4. If I had more exciting things to do in Vegas, maybe more old friends would decide to come visit.)

6. Cut back on the sarcasm. Every year I debate whether or not this is a goal I want to set. I think I'm funny, but I'm sure I need to do better keeping this in check. One of the kids really believed me when I said "Benjamin Button" was based on a true story. Poor kid.

7. Help every single senior in my AVID class receive at least one scholarship. (Too optimistic, you say? But what about the lazy seniors who won't even apply for these scholarships you continually tell them about? Well, these lazy seniors will no longer be allowed to be lazy.)

8. Read more literature in Russian and (this WILL NOT be fun, but will definitely be useful...) study Russian grammar.

9. Stop watching TV online from crazy Asian websites that may slowly continue killing my computer. (It's hard to come up with 9 things and really, this will be better for my computer.)