Thursday, January 1, 2009

9 for '09

And, here comes Part II...
9 Goals for 2009

1. Work somewhere I LOVE and am really, truly happy.

2. "Schmooz" it up with the ol' co-workers. (This is ROUGH for me, but I think it's important.)

3. Travel more. (Hey, I figured I need at least ONE goal that will be both fun and easy to keep.)

4. Keep in touch with old friends. (This goal may, and hopefully will, tie in with goal #3-- TRAVEL MORE.)

5. Come up with more exciting, free things to do when people come to visit me. (This can tie in with goal #4. If I had more exciting things to do in Vegas, maybe more old friends would decide to come visit.)

6. Cut back on the sarcasm. Every year I debate whether or not this is a goal I want to set. I think I'm funny, but I'm sure I need to do better keeping this in check. One of the kids really believed me when I said "Benjamin Button" was based on a true story. Poor kid.

7. Help every single senior in my AVID class receive at least one scholarship. (Too optimistic, you say? But what about the lazy seniors who won't even apply for these scholarships you continually tell them about? Well, these lazy seniors will no longer be allowed to be lazy.)

8. Read more literature in Russian and (this WILL NOT be fun, but will definitely be useful...) study Russian grammar.

9. Stop watching TV online from crazy Asian websites that may slowly continue killing my computer. (It's hard to come up with 9 things and really, this will be better for my computer.)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Haha, #6 is my favorite!, don't every stop being sarcastic, I wouldn't like you if you weren't.