Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kids Gone Wild (a.k.a. The Primary Program)

I'll be honest. I usually hate my family ward. (Crying babies, noisy kids throwing cereal, the lack of hot single guys to distract me from boring talks...) Today, however, was an exception. The ward primary program.

If you've seen a primary program in the past, you may have a fairly good idea of what I'm talking about here. Kids waving to parents. Yelling "Hi, Mommy!" from the stand. The occasional youngster who stares at the audience in fear rather than repeating the lines his teacher whispers into his ear.

Today's program did not disappoint. I wish I had audio of the performance, but you'll just have to take my word for it. With all the mumbling and microphone feedback (caused by kids nearly eating the microphone), I was only able to understand about 30% of the kids' parts. (There were definitely a few moments when I wished for closed captioning.) Though I am still not entirely sure what was said, a couple of things surprised me:

1. There wasn't a lot of screaming.
Usually, it seems like there is a bit more kicking and screaming by shy or tired kids. These kids, overall, were quite well behaved. This may be because one very prepared teacher even gave her Sunbeams candy and mini Etch-a-sketches to keep them busy.

2. Parents were not embarrassed.
There were a few children I simply would not have claimed as my own. Namely, the nose picking girl in the front right and the singing at the top of his lungs without knowing any of the words Sunbeam on the front row on the left. The mom who's child yelled, "Hi, Mommy!" from the pulpit just smiled and waved back. The father of the boy who SCREAMED the few words he knew, then LOUDLY hummed through the rest of every song, just laughed.

Overall, pretty much an amazing program.

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