Sunday, July 19, 2009


So, summer vacation is here! Galya and Bogdan (my favorite Belarusian and one of my very favorite Ukrainians) will be here on Tuesday, so we’re doing a mini-tour of the western U.S. They are staying with me for an entire month, so here’s what I’ve got so far:

  • Utah
    This includes a variety of activities for the good ol' 24th of July, which you only get to REALLY celebrate in Utah. Rodeo, parade, Native American Powwow, and fireworks.
    Temple Square and "Music and the Spoke Word" with the MoTab.
    Horseback riding.
    Laser show! (Really. These things are just as fun now as they were in high school.)
    Visiting tons of people we know and love.
  • Grand Canyon
    I’m not entirely sure if I really want to do this yet. I’m thinking about lying to them both and telling them the Grand Canyon isn’t accessible by car. It’s just so far!
  • L.A.
    Of course every Ukrainian wants to see Disneyland and Hollywood, so… even though I have 0% interest in either place, I just can’t disappoint.
  • San Diego
    Visiting friends, visiting the beach, and possibly visiting Shamu.
  • Las Vegas
    Wandering all around the strip in 100+ degree weather, free shows on the strip, using my awesome connections, Mystere or Le Reve or “O”, shopping for EVERYTHING because the U.S. is so much cheaper than Ukraine, and if it cools down enough, a drive-in movie, complete with popcorn and American pizza.
  • Miami
    No clue what we're doing here, but we have a free place to stay!
  • Costa Rica. We’ve changed our mind about this trip a million times already, but… Costa Rica, here we come!

It’s a lot, I know, and a LOT of driving (especially for someone who hates driving as much as I do) but I’m excited. I’ve been waiting for this all summer!

Anything I forgot?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Ya, you forgot the most important thing... to mention seeing us. Whatev! :)