Saturday, August 15, 2009

Utah, a little bit of Arizona, and a quick trip to Cali.

Galya and Bogdan wanted to go EVERYWHERE and see everything. They got in around 7 PM on Thursday, but weren't tired at all. We had dinner, then saw a hypnotist on the strip.

Our first stop was Spanish Fork and the much anticipated Spanish Fork Fiest Days Super Amazing and Insanely Crowded Rodeo. The rodeo was sold out, but Galya was able to work some magic with her sexy Belarussian/Ukrainian accent and not only did we did in, but we got all three tickets for the price of one.

We went to the Days of '47 Parade in Salt Lake and saw a pow wow at Liberty Park.

Luckily, I was able to drop them off with a friend in SLC so I could take a break from "tour guide" and see my own friends. :) I spent most of the weekend with Kristin and Allison. We watched movies, hung out by the pool, went to dinner.

I planned an EXTREME VERSION of the scenic route back to Las Vegas. Our first stop was Bryce National Park. We just drove around and took pictures for a few hours. From Bryce, we went to Zion National Park. Bogdan and I actually hiked in the Narrows a little bit. I've been to Zion a few times before, but I'd never done that.

Our visit to Colorado city was fascinating. Just driving around was not enough. We decided we HAD to make a quick stop at the grocery store. I suggested we all speak Russian the entire time and pretend like we weren't SHOCKED by anything we saw. I'd heard the people there weren't entirely welcoming. I've really just never seen anything like this. Insane. Incredible. I just couldn't stop looking!

We took a SUPER QUICK trip to California. I spent a bit of time hanging out with Kelsey, one of my favorite friends, and her parents in beautiful Newhall, CA.

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