Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I bought a house!

I'm not exactly sure how this happened, but... I bought a house!

You know how sometimes you're shopping and you find a shirt or a skirt you kind of like. You look at it and you think, "Ah, that's kind of cute." Then you look at the price tag. If it's cheap, you think, "Oh, yeah. That's totally worth $15!" or "I'd pay $20 for that skirt, but it's not worth $30." Well, the same thing basically happened with this house. I found it. I kind of liked it. The price was right. (Oh, and it has a pool. With a diving board. And a BBQ grill and a two car garage and granite countertops and big back yard and actual grass in the front yard.)


Kara said...

We were just saying that we need to have you over again, but maybe you should have us over! ;-)

Either way, we'd love it. And congratulations.

Unknown said...

Thanks! The only problem is I don't even know if the house will close and I'll get moved in before I take off for Europe! Things are a bit hectic... and it's stressing me out! But I am excited. This means I'll be sticking around Vegas for a while, but I think I'm happy with that.
I'll definitely put some pool parties together in August/September. I'm even getting "kid appropriate" toys for my nieces/nephews, so it could be fun for my namesake, Brigham. ;)