Monday, May 5, 2008

Relay '08

Once again, Relay for Life with the AVID kids. We were at Spring Valley High School this year. Their AVID program organizes most of the event and they did a fantastic job.

It was the first Relay experience for the Vista kids, so we only invited a small group. Thankfully Reggie came, all the way from North-Town, to help with the dismantling of the tents. (No, he didn't bring the smallest tent in the world. Disappointing, I know.) This time I was smart enough to only take kids I really like and trust, rather than just the kids who'd be fun and entertaining all night. Yep. I've finally learned my lesson. We made a billion brownies and a gazillion rice crispie treats. Our team raised almost $500. Not a lot, but we put it all together in less than 2 weeks.

I've recently discovered that people STILL breakdance. Interesting... Who knew? Unfortunately (for the boys), there are no videos of the hula dancers, but here's part of the dance contest. (The rest of the videos would turn my nice little "G" rated blog to a very serious "PG-13").

1 comment:

JDMathis said...

I am so sad that I missed it. Okay, not really. Well maybe I would have had more fun if I wasn't responsible for so much. Maybe one day I will try attending one as just a regular person. I am glad that you still care about being a good person. I guess I have given up.